How do I trust that God won’t mess my future?
God, I want to give my all to you.
But… what about the plans I have for my life? What about my studies, job, ambitions, family, and dreams?
God’s calling requires total abandonment to self. There’s a desire in our heart to run with God but often, at the same time, we have things pulling us back from running forward with Him. We have reservations, questions, and doubts about what we sense God is calling us to do.
The truth is God is good and He will not mess up our future. We don’t need to protect our future from God. We can trust that He will take care of the family, friends & dreams we leave behind as we follow Him.
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” -Genesis 12:1-3
When God called me to full-time missions, it meant that I had to give up the ambitions and plans I had for my life.
It meant disappointing family & friends by going against the flow of society. Some thought I was too consumed by my faith. At one point I thought I was going crazy too. I felt like I was throwing my future away. God blessed me with a scholarship just a few months before and my family was so proud of me. Why would I turn my back on it?
But as I considered how Jesus gave His all for me, how is it that I am unwilling to give my all to Him?
Looking back now I’m so thankful I said yes to His way and didn’t go my own way. His way didn’t make sense to me at that time but it does now. I love what I do. I love devoting my life to seeing people come to know Jesus. I love traveling to new places, encountering new cultures and seeing Jesus lifted high by people of different nations, tribes, people groups, and languages!
God’s plan may seem scary, uncertain and illogical but I hope that you will take a step forward and trust your future in His hands.